Steering Wheels

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Here Are Some Steering Wheels For You To Download...
The two steering wheels below are both by Berger Fan, who makes more brilliant steering wheels. I will swap these current ones with newer ones when they're released!

External Ferrari Steering Wheel

The first of these two wheels by Greg Alexander (Berger Fan) is this external Ferrari 2004 wheel. Just put the files into your cars.wad with EasyWad and you'll have one of the best Ferrari wheels around! All you have to do is click the link below, and this wheel is yours! Remember that is is external only, so it will not show in the cockpit view!

Download Ferrari Wheel 2004

Generic External Steering Wheel

It's finally here, and it's brillinat! Berger Fan is very good making steering wheels and this one is by him too! Just put the files in your cars.wad with EasyWad and play. Rememer that this wheel is external only, so it will no show in the cokpit view! Just click the below link and make this wheel your own!

Download Generic Wheel 2004